Wednesday, June 13, 2007

MC = Study

I passed my resignation letter to my manager. Surprisingly, he didnt shock w/ my decision, in fact he has expected I will leave the company soon =). He is the best manager that i knew (well he is my 1st manager too hehehe), he gave alot of advices for me to move on. He say "Its not a bad new, its a good new for me and you. Im really happy to see my staffs find out whatever right for themselves. You have to work really hard, if can you have to work 7 days a week for the first 6 months then you will see the result. Wish you all the best k'." Thanks Richard, for you support!!!

These few days very exhausted, has been studying for days and still, still alot, Hikzx. Luckily I got 2 days MC. No, I wasnt sick. I had a procedure done for my face treatment called chemical peeling treatment. The effect for the treatment pretty bad. I felt burning in my face, alot of burn scar and red mark. Somehow look like sun tan, but look more like skin diseases =( .
I went back to the doctor and he gave me 2 days MC =). Just right timing to study eh.

Overall got 3 exams that held on 15, 19 and 22 June. I better do it right. I cant imagine if i failed one of them sigh..... If I passed ( i will pass =)) I will join the company by beginning of next month. Got to go back to study now aih.....


Anonymous said...

Aja Aja Fighting!! hows ur face doin? hope it's getting better soon. Hope you can study well. 2 more day to the 1st test. All the best yo'!!

I'm waiting for the celebration party hahaha

Anonymous said...

My face better now, at least all the dead/burn skins peel off already.

I'm still studying... sigh...

Are we having party soon ?????

inoedoshi said...

did i hear a party??? chun! you guys go ahead, i'll stay home. bo lui man! LOL. anyways gambateh! *waiting for the new drive* hehehe. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Must be something wrong w/ both of you.
First party...
Now new drive...

Actually I prefer Sleeping~.~

Herrotzky said...

ayo ayooo... kamu bisaaaa!!!

moahahaa... gut lak Surrrrrrrrr...... duh dah lama ngga ketemu kalian euy... hahaha.. gile... baru 2 minggu aja dibilang lama... ahahhahaa... anywayz... all the best ya... setuju neh ama si jul... ditunggu loh makan2nya... hihiihi...

Anonymous said...

NO PARTY guyzzz until I passed all my exams!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Olala...dah semingguan ga chit chat nih...kangen juga.
Dapetin updates lewat blog dah itung not bad deh yah. By now, harusnya muka loe dah mulus yah seabis peeling? Sip dah, ntar pas jumpa dah pangling oii...

Duh beberapa hari ni pengen gw ajakin MSN, takut ngegangguin study nya, aihh...ya uda dehh..tak tungguin pas kelar exams nya yak.
And "GUD GUD LUCK" to your exams yo!

Cia you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

so... u wrote all 3 tests. How was it? you must be doing well !!