Monday, April 30, 2007


' You cant get everything you wanted, have to sacrifice either one though' someone remind me with this sentence.
Its so true, when you try to forgo one and receive another one at the same time, you will just feel relieve. Time is just too short for me to achieve both of them. Sometimes i wish to have 48 hours per day.... but hmnn... 8 hrs work / day is enough =D

Last Saturday, woke up at 6 am, ready at 7 am, waiting bro's sms to tell me that he will reach soon, waited waited and waited still nil until 8 am. Finally my phone rang at 8 20, disappointingly he still in Malaysia somewhere out there. I started cursing that stupid bus and worrying that I might late for my 1st japanese class at 9 am. Then almost 9 pm, hopelessly, I picked up the phone and called bunka. Even though I missed the 1st class that they will replaced for me by next week, i felt good after the called. I dont know how to illustrate it, pokoknya lega deh hbs itu.

Went to Sentosa on Sunday, Blahhhh... Damn Hot!!! Thanks to my bro's friend as a tour guide. ME? hehehe? I shelter myself from the sun at the bus stop, souvenir stores, under the trees & small tattoo booth =D. i didnt mind sit & stand at the bus stop for an hour (yeah its boring but i rather wait there than torturing my skin). Guess how many tattoos i made =)? this time is fakes tattoo dudes, one is enough for me hehehehehhe.

Tired weekend, Thanks God tomorrow is public holiday uihhhhh..... want to pamper myself, dont have any plan yet, we'll see how.

Report to you all by then ok *wink*


Anonymous said...

show me the TATOO!! hehehe yea time is luxury that nobody have

DarkCocoa said...

I'll show you when we met.
Peace from *Bee Hon*

DarkCocoa said...

eh, actually who are u efumi? Is it you, jul? =P